Hi, I am David

I’m from the Vysočina region, but I settled in Brno. I studied mechanical engineering and currently I am working on my Ph.D. I’ve never really wanted to be a Ph.D. student, but it’s a valuable experience and I work to get the most from it.

One of my assets is the general overview. I dare to say that you can talk to me on 95 % of common topics, and I have an interest in those atypical ones as well. Don’t be afraid to reach me, I’ll be more than happy to talk to you!

I love when people laugh, when they have fun and when they express emotions. I also love sunsets, little things and most of all I love giving flowers. And I do it quite often.

I dance. And I really enjoy it! I love swing dancing but when there is a good party I have no problem dancing to anything. One wedding guest even told me that she was ashamed to dance next to me. I don’t think I’m that good, but I must say it was nice to hear it :)

The theater is my other passion. I can go several times a month.

I like sport too. I’ve been playing badminton since I was a child and I go for a run from time to time.

I appreciate it when people are honest and they are open to each other. I’m fond of people being well dressed, especially if they have nice shoes. Because shoes are the essence.

I enjoy discovering new places and particularly those in nature. But when I lived in Barcelona, daily walks around the city were just as divine.

And as you’ve probably noticed, I’m a photographer as well. And I believe I’m great at it. I look forward to seeing you at your event :)